Meet the New Chartier

The last three months have been the most challenging on record for our small, independent eatery. The emotional/mental/physical lows were superseded by the extreme kindness, unwavering support, and unanticipated miracles that resulted in our re-opening earlier this week. To each and every one of you - merci, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

Now that we’ve had a wee break to catch our breath, we’d like to introduce you to the new Chartier.

Not to worry; the transformation is less John Travolta + Nicolas Cage in Face Off - and more like Rachael Leigh Cook in She's All That (side bar for anyone under 25 years old....go watch both of these movies immediately).

The heart and soul of who we are remains untouched, but we've adapted to the current economic climate that all Albertans are facing in order to feed families in our community for years to come.

Where we once called our concept "casual fine dining", we now identify as "French-Canadian comfort food". Our renewed focus is on approachable, hand crafted, and comfort classics that don't break the bank; ensuring we have the opportunity to connect with our guests for all occasions - big or small, happy or sad. 

You'll see many of our classics have returned, with some paired down and simplified - because core food memories don't depend on frills, bells or whistles.

We can't wait to have you back in, and hope you find a little comfort with every visit to the new Chartier. 

Click here to view our menus, make a reservation, & order takeout!